CINDY – A metaphor for RE-CONNECTING with your INNER CHILD

Sometimes life gives you a broad hint about what you have to do next or what you have to focus on in your next Post or Workshop.

At the moment I’m meeting a lot of very unhappy people… People who don’t like themselves, who feel lonely and unloved all the time; people who try to distract themselves all the time and are addicted to video games, Facebook or TV; people who try to take care and give advice to others but are completely split off themselves and neither show responsibility for their own life nor even want to think about their own situation.

Wouldn’t it be worth to work on yourself and make a little personal change in your life even if it’s painful, as you have to deal with the past, to be rewarded with happiness, success, love, peacefulness, centeredness, contentment, abundance of possibilities….etc.?”

So this metaphor is especially for those of you who love their animal more than themselves and how this beautiful part of creation can help you heal your Inner Child.

Her name is “Cindy”. My husband gave her another name and called her “f… broken fuel pump” because we met her when our car broke down in Portage La Prairie.

She is a three-coloured cat, absolutely beautiful and unique – like ME and YOU.

Suddenly she was sitting on the line in the middle of the highway. I heard cars coming, jumped out of our truck and ran to her as fast as I could. Usually cats then run away when you approach them that fast and this was my first idea to get her away from the dangerous road. But she stayed and looked at me. I grabbed her, run back to the truck and held her on my lap and took a closer look at her.

She was dirty, her fur was lustreless and full of fleas, her ears black inside because of all the mites – just like a neglected Inner Child.

She didn’t purr. It seemed that she surrendered her life to me because she didn’t want to suffer anymore – just like an Inner Child longing to be healed so badly.

We waited for the towing truck, took her home and took her to the Vet next day. There she was not calm anymore; she behaved like a tiger in the jungle and didn’t want to be touched by others because of the fear of being hurt again – just like the injured Inner Child.

That’s a while ago now and Cindy has become a personality; she knows what she wants, she’s proud, she’s independent, she takes responsibility for herself, she reaches out for love and help when she needs it, she expresses her moods and she doesn’t care at all what other humans or cats may think about her, she’s authentic, she’s trusting, she enjoys life with all the dangers and adventures, she makes experiences and learns from them, she likes company and then she loves to be alone again – just like a healed and loved Inner Child – just like ME! What about YOU?

She has just climbed on my chest while I’m writing this post. She’s purring, very loud! We’re exchanging our love through our hearts, I touch her fur and she looks at me. Love is pouring out of her eyes…

Memories come up… about my childhood…. I remember how I always wanted to have a cat when I was a little girl. I remember that I could pet cats forever and forget the time about it. I remember how I was hiding a cat in my bedroom and spoiling her with cream and how my mom found out, throwing the cat out of the door and slapping my face. I remember how I couldn’t understand and cried for hours, longing for this unconditional love of a cat, longing for touching this soft fur and listen to the calming sound of purring…

I can see myself lying on the bed and crying and I can feel this pain again and I’m getting sad… My eyes fill with tears and I take my little Inner Child in my arms and say: “Don’t be sad anymore. I love you and I take care of you. Can you see Cindy? She’s our cat! Nobody can take her away from us. Let’s spoil her with our love and let us be spoiled by her love! Isn’t life wonderful?”

And my Inner Child is smiling, snuggling to my chest and buries her little finger in Cindy’s fur. Cindy is even purring louder… Now she’s getting the four-handed petting love…


Unconditional Love