Sacred Heart Quantum Reiki – Story 2

0EagleDoveA life-cycle counselling session with energy healing. The topic is not unusual. It’s about worries and doubts – emotions all human beings have, even if their self-confidence is very good. There are little arrows in the disguise of words that hit us deeper than usual, especially when we’re unprepared and unprotected at certain days when we get up in the morning feeling already that we don’t have access to our full energetic potential.

Those are the days we have to learn how to get balanced and into a happy mood and not dwell on the negative event for too long of a time. We have to learn that people talking to us like that have problems with themselves and that we should not allow their moods to affect us too badly.

We also were talking about what it means to do our best every day, about forgiving ourselves for too much criticism  and about not being able to control everything in life but having to learn how to let go from time to time in order for the Universe to help us.

My client was a very religious person and so we also talked about God and Faith. Being very open and honest I told her that I left the Roman Catholic Church as soon as I had reached legal age. I said that I have absolute faith into a higher power to guide us, that I can find it in nature but also believe that it is the Divine inside of us. I told her I couldn’t discuss the bible because I’ve never read it, but for me there would not be a “punishing God” like I was raised with as a child, having to confess my sins as a six year-old in order not to get into hell but a loving Creator who wants all of us to live happy lives.

Then we did the Reiki treatment and I saw a big white bird soaring in front of the sun shining in a wonderful blue summer sky. When it came closer I had to discover that it was a dove with the head and the talons of an eagle. It said to me that spirituality is more than sitting on a mat and meditating. It’s about acknowledging the opposites, polarities or yin and yang in life. Spirituality means living fully, passionately, never stop learning, real listening , communicating honestly, acting lovingly and fighting peacefully for making an everlasting difference for the people around us. It asked me: “Would men be able to see the light without shadow, to know when it’s day when there would not be a night, to be real empathetic without being hurt?”

When I told my client about this encounter she smiled and said it was part of a sermon not long ago…..

Looking after this symbol in the internet revealed the following:


I believe the Lord is revealing to us that there is a new move of the Holy Spirit about to hit the United States of America, entering in through the East gate (Ezekiel 43:1-2). The white Eagle-Dove was gentle, yet with fire in His eyes, He was also powerful. The Dove representing the Holy Spirit or the Spirit of Holiness is a bird of promise and represents a powerful truth (Acts 2:39).

Together, the Eagle and the Dove represent the gentle, yet powerful influence and authority of complete purity or the Spirit of Holiness. As extraordinary as the white Eagle-Dove is, so is this move of the Holy Spirit, incomparable and without equal to any other we have seen or heard before.

The shift in the wind indicated the move is swift, quick, powerful, influential, authoritative, and coming in the breath from the inspiration of God (Ezekiel 37). The Eagle-Dove is the Spirit of the Lord. It is God’s voice upon the waters (Revelation 1:15). For it is He who commands and raises up the stormy wind, which lifts up the waves of the sea (Psalm 107:25).

Joshua Apostolic Prophetic Network

Energy Healing and the Question about Emotional Balance

It is pretty interesting how a certain topic enters your life….

At the moment I constantly have encounters with people who ask me A) “I’m an energy healer, but I have a lot of stress in my life at the moment. Can I still heal others?” or B)”Somebody did Reiki on me but this person is so out of balance that I couldn’t feel anything during the session. Would I have been able to feel something when he would have been more balanced?” or C) “I have a friend who is an energy healer but has to deal with so many problems that she sometimes tells me about those issues. Then I’m feeling worse than before the treatment. Is that ok?” or D) “I’ve been diagnosed by an energy healer to have all my chakras screwed up and that it takes several sessions to unblock me. Am I really that sick?”

Question A: YOU are NOT healing others!!! Whether you are in balance or not! You are channeling Universal energies to enhance your client’s Self-Healing-Power! If you have a lot of stress in your life, deal with it first before you have your next client! It’s only fair to the client if you cancel the appointment and admit that you’re out of balance!

Question B: Depending on the training/education (weekend Reiki workshops for more than one level or attunements over the phone or online are NO-NO’s) and personal growth of the healer I would say “Yes, if this person would have been balanced you would have felt something!”

Question C: OH MY GOD!!! That’s breaking the Energy Healing Code of ETHICS! There are TWO ABSOLUTE/DEFINITE NO-NO’s: 1. Never load your issues on a client! Deal with it and then have clients again! 2. Never make a diagnosis!!! see Question D

Question D: OH MY GOD!!! I would like to know how screwed up are the chakras of this energy healer… Remember, our clients are OK the way they are. Our clients have all the skills and resources to create a successful life! Sometimes they come to us for guidance but not to be told that they are out of whack. That’s what the doctors tell them often enough! Energy Healers have to know better!!! We are here to encourage because we know that EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE. If our clients leave our practice with a POSITIVE MIND they’re already on their PERSONAL HEALING PATH!

I started my spiritual path with Energy Healing in 1997 and with every step of getting more balanced BY FINISHING MY UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM THE PAST I could feel more energy and get more metaphorical inner pictures or personal affirmations for my client while working with her or him. One day I left the hand positions I learned with Reiki because the energy kept moving me in certain ways and since that happened I get all this wonderful feedback from my clients about intensively feeling the energy and seeing colours. I am convinced that only when I’m psycho-emotionally balanced I can drop into the SACRED PLACE OF THE HEART and that’s when HEALING happens. That’s when my and my client’s energies can meet on a HEART or unconditional LOVE – Level. That’s when we are at the ZERO or STILL POINT. And that’s not possible if somebody is not in balance but still in his or her BRAIN!

Go out of your BRAIN and into your HEART and then let HAPPEN! The UNIVERSE will do the rest!